Hire Your Child As A Model

Hire Your Child As A Model

Published on August 23, 2023

Hire Your Child As A Model


Hey there, savvy parents! We know your little bundle of joy is a natural in front of the camera, and you might be wondering, “Can my child legally become a model?” Especially if you are a business owner who might use their image to promote your service or product via social media or your website. The answer is “Yes you can hire your child as a model.” We’re here to guide you through the enchanting world of child modeling while keeping everything totally above board. Whether adorable infants or pint-sized performers under 14, let’s dive into the scoop on getting your child camera-ready, while staying on the right side of the law!


Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with Local Laws


Let’s start by getting the lowdown on child labor laws in your state. Since these can vary, check out the official website of your state’s labor department. You can usually find a wealth of information on permissible working hours, required permits, and other legal details. Here’s a link to get you started: Find Your State Labor Department


Step 2: Obtain the Work Permit (If Required)


Depending on where you live, you might need a work permit for your child model. If they’re on the younger side, like an adorable infant, a permit might not be necessary. But, for those superstar kids under 14, it’s best to double-check. Find out if a work permit is needed by contacting your state’s labor department or visiting their website.


Step 3: Parental Permission


As the proud parent, you’re the captain of this ship! Before your child takes their first steps on set, make sure you’ve got your parental consent forms ready. This is your green light for them to dazzle the camera. You’ll find more details and tips on consent forms on [US Department of Labor’s website](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/youthlabor/parentalconsent).


Step 4: Time is Precious – Set Work Hours


Your little one’s schedule is packed, between naps, snacks, and playtime, right? Child labor laws ensure that your child’s work hours don’t interfere with their well-deserved chill time and education. It’s a balancing act to make sure their development isn’t compromised. For specifics on working hours and conditions, be sure to check out your state’s labor department website.


Step 5: Keep Education in Mind


Tiny talents need their brainpower too! Some states require child models to meet certain education standards while working. It’s like keeping the wheels turning even when they’re in the spotlight. Get the 411 on education requirements on the US Department of Labor’s YouthRules! website.


Step 6: Dollars and Sense – Trust Accounts


If your mini model is raking in the big bucks (well, at least in proportion to their size), you might need to set up a trust account. This keeps their earnings safe until they’re ready to manage their finances. It’s like a financial piggy bank for their future. Learn more about trust accounts at the [US Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division website](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/wages/childperformers).


Step 7: Safety First


Lights, camera, safety! It’s absolutely crucial that your child’s health and safety are top priorities on set. Hazardous stunts and overly tiring schedules aren’t kid-friendly. Make sure everything’s age-appropriate and safe for your little star.


Step 8: Follow Industry Guidelines


The world of child modeling has its own guidelines to ensure the well-being of these young talents. Look into associations and industry groups that focus on child performers for extra tips and insights.


Remember, the magic lies in your child’s talent and their genuine smiles, so make sure their journey is as joyful as the memories they create. And that’s a wrap, folks! Your child’s modeling adventure awaits – legally and stylishly.


For more details and state-specific guidance, check out these useful resources:

US Department of Labor – Child Labor

YouthRules! – Entertainment Industry

Wage and Hour Division – Child Performers


If you’re a business owning parent who would like to discuss clever tax savings strategies such as hiring your child as a model; schedule your free consultation with ISCPA today!


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