Future of Tax Filing: Expert Insights on Outsourcing

Future of Tax Filing: Expert Insights on Outsourcing

Published on March 05, 2023

Small business owners often face the challenge of multiple responsibilities while ensuring compliance with tax regulations. 

However, the process can be complicated, time-consuming, and stressful and even a minor mistake can result in penalties and fines. 

This is where outsourcing tax filing can help. Outsourcing tax filing has become an increasingly popular option for small businesses looking to simplify the process and reduce the burden on themselves.

In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of tax filing for small businesses, their challenges, and the benefits of outsourcing tax filing. 

We’ll also hear from tax experts on their insights and advice for simplifying outsourcing. 

So, whether you’re considering outsourcing tax filing for the first time or looking to improve your current outsourcing arrangement, keep reading to find out what the experts say.

Why one should consider Outsourcing Tax Filing?

For small business owners, managing your tax filing process can be challenging and time-consuming. 

Luckily, outsourcing tax filing is a smart solution that can simplify your life in many ways. 

Here are the top reasons why businesses should consider outsourcing tax filing:

1. Saves time and money

Outsourcing tax filing frees up your valuable time to focus on growing your business. By delegating this task to professionals, you can ensure that it’s done accurately and efficiently. 

In addition, outsourcing tax filing can be a more cost-effective solution than hiring an in-house team or full-time employee.

2. Access to expert knowledge and skills

Tax professionals have the expertise and knowledge to ensure your tax returns are accurate, complete, and filed on time. 

They can provide tax planning strategies to help you minimize your tax liability and save money.

3. Minimizes risk of errors and penalties

Tax regulations can be complex and ever-changing, making it challenging for small business owners to stay up-to-date. 

Outsourcing tax filing reduces the risk of errors and penalties by relying on experts who are up-to-date with the latest regulations.

Know Expert Insights on Simplifying Outsourcing for Small Businesses

Experts agree that outsourcing tax filing can be a great way for small businesses to save time and money while minimizing the risk of errors and penalties.

CPA and tax expert, John Hewitt, recommends outsourcing tax filing to help small businesses focus on growth and development. 

Additionally, according to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), outsourcing tax filing can save small business owners up to 40 hours a year.

It’s also important to ensure that the tax filing service is experienced in dealing with small businesses and understands the specific needs and challenges they face.

Furthermore, To simplify the outsourcing process, experts suggest starting early and gathering all necessary financial documents in advance. 

It’s also recommended to communicate clearly with the tax filing service about your business’s needs and expectations and to establish a timeline and budget upfront. 

Additionally, working with a reputable and experienced tax filing service can help ensure a smooth and efficient outsourcing process.

Some common mistakes that small businesses make when outsourcing tax filing include choosing a provider based solely on cost, failing to communicate effectively with the provider, and not reviewing the completed tax returns thoroughly. 

To avoid these mistakes, experts recommend choosing a provider based on a combination of factors such as cost, expertise, and customer reviews.

Establish clear communication and expectations upfront, and carefully review all completed tax returns before submitting them to the IRS.

Steps to Simplify Outsourcing Tax Filing

Outsourcing tax filing can be a game-changer for small businesses looking to streamline their financial processes. 

To simplify the outsourcing process, follow these key steps:

1. Choose a reputable outsourcing firm

It’s crucial to work with a reputable outsourcing firm with experience in tax filing for small businesses. 

Look for firms with positive reviews and a proven track record of providing reliable and accurate tax filing services.

2. Provide accurate financial data and documentation

To ensure accurate tax filing, provide your outsourcing firm with complete and accurate financial data and documentation. 

This includes income statements, balance sheets, receipts, and any other relevant financial information. 

The more accurate and complete your financial data, the more accurate your tax return will be.

3. Establish clear communication and expectations

Effective communication and clear expectations are key to a successful outsourcing relationship. Establish regular check-ins with your outsourcing firm to ensure that everyone is on the same page. 

Clearly communicate your business’s tax filing needs and expectations to ensure that the outsourcing firm can meet them.

4. Review and approve the final tax return

Before submitting your tax return, review and approve the final version with your outsourcing firm. 

Make sure all of the information is accurate and complete. Double-check that all deductions and credits have been applied correctly and that all necessary forms have been filed.

By following these steps, you can simplify the outsourcing process and ensure accurate and timely tax filing for your small business. 

Remember, outsourcing tax filing can save you time and money while minimizing the risk of errors and penalties, so don’t hesitate to consider it as an option for your business.

Key Questions to Ask When Planning to Outsource Tax Return Filing

If you’re thinking about outsourcing your tax return filing, the first step is to plan and assess your needs carefully. 

Depending on your business, you’ll need to consider a few questions to ensure you’re making the right decision.

Firstly, ask yourself which tax returns are the most profitable for your business. By identifying these returns, you can prioritize them when outsourcing tax prep work.

Next, consider which tax returns are too complex or require too much manual intervention, making it difficult for you to focus on other high-value services. 

Outsourcing these returns can free up your time and allow you to concentrate on more important areas of your business.

It’s also essential to assess whether you have the necessary automation tools and expertise available in-house. If you don’t, outsourcing can provide access to these tools and expertise, saving you time and money in the long run.

Lastly, consider whether you have enough resources available in-house to manage the volumes without burning out your staff. 

Tax season can be a stressful time, so it’s crucial to ensure you have enough resources to manage the workload without putting undue pressure on your team.

By answering these questions, you can identify which tax returns and services will give you the best return on investment when outsourcing tax prep work. 

This will ensure you make the right decision for your business and achieve a successful tax preparation outsourcing journey.

Discover What Tax Preparation and Financial Tasks Can Be Outsourced

When you plan to outsource your tax preparation and accounting tasks, you may wonder what tasks can be outsourced. 

A professional corporate finance and accounting service provider can offer you various services that can simplify your workload. 

Here is a list of some tax prep and accounting tasks that you can confidently outsource:

  1. Preparation of tax returns: A corporate finance and accounting service provider can handle tax preparation tasks such as filing tax returns, calculating tax liabilities, and identifying tax deductions and credits.
  2. Back-office support: You can outsource back-office support services such as data entry, document management, and record keeping.
  3. Payroll processing: Outsourcing payroll processing can save you time and ensure accuracy in calculating employee compensation, withholding taxes, and other payroll-related tasks.
  4. Bookkeeping and reconciliation: Outsourcing bookkeeping tasks such as maintaining financial records, reconciling bank statements, and tracking expenses can help you stay organized and avoid errors.
  5. Financial planning: A professional corporate finance and accounting service provider can help you with financial planning tasks such as budgeting, forecasting, and cash flow management.
  6. Customer billing and invoicing: You can outsource customer billing and invoicing tasks such as generating invoices, tracking payments, and managing accounts receivable.
  7. Running financial reports: Outsourcing financial reporting tasks such as generating balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements can provide you with valuable insights into your business’s financial health.

By outsourcing these tax prep and accounting tasks, you can streamline your workload and focus on other essential business operations.

The Future of Tax Filing

Tax filing is a critical component for small businesses, and current trends and practices show that outsourcing tax filing is becoming increasingly popular. 

According to a survey by the National Small Business Association, 44% of small business owners outsource their tax preparation and filing, and that number is expected to grow in the coming years.

The direction of tax filing is moving towards greater automation and digitization. 

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been pushing towards greater use of electronic filing, and in 2021, they launched a new program called the Tax Pro Account, which allows tax professionals to securely interact with the IRS electronically.

Furthermore, many tax preparation and filing services are moving towards cloud-based solutions, allowing small business owners to access their tax information from anywhere and collaborate with their tax professionals in real time.

In addition to that, Technology has had a significant impact on tax filing, making it easier, more efficient, and more accurate. 

With cloud-based solutions, small business owners can store and access their financial information securely, collaborate with their tax professionals, and file their taxes electronically. 

In addition, tax professionals can use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to automate certain tasks, making the tax filing process faster and more accurate.

According to a survey by Thomson Reuters, 67% of tax professionals believe that technology will have a significant impact on the future of tax filing, and they are actively exploring new technologies to improve their services.

Why Small Businesses Choose Stepanchuk CPA for Outsourced Tax Filing?

Stepanchuk CPA is a reputable accounting firm that offers a wide range of tax filing services for small businesses. 

Their services include tax planning, preparation, outsourced CFO, cash flow management, and new entity setup and consulting services. 

With their experienced team of professionals, they ensure that your tax filing process is streamlined and accurate, allowing you to focus on other areas of your business.

Benefits of working with Stepanchuk CPA

Working with Stepanchuk CPA for your tax filing needs can offer several benefits to your business. 

Firstly, they provide a personalized approach to their services, tailoring their solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. 

Additionally, they have extensive experience working with small businesses and can provide valuable insights into tax planning and financial management strategies that can benefit your business. 

Finally, they prioritize clear communication and responsiveness to ensure that you are always kept informed about the status of your tax filing process.

1. Tax Planning Services

Stepanchuk CPA provides tax planning services to help businesses minimize their tax liability and maximize their financial resources. 

They work closely with clients to identify tax-saving opportunities and develop a customized tax plan that aligns with their financial goals.

2. Outsourced CFO Services

For businesses that require financial expertise but do not have the resources to hire a full-time CFO, Stepanchuk CPA offers outsourced CFO services. 

Their team of experienced financial professionals can provide financial forecasting, budgeting, and strategic planning support to help your business succeed.

3. Tax Preparation Services

Stepanchuk CPA offers comprehensive tax preparation services, ensuring that your tax returns are accurate, complete, and filed on time. 

They keep up-to-date with the latest tax regulations and use advanced tax software to ensure accuracy and efficiency in the tax filing process.

4. Cash Flow Management

The Cash flow management is a critical component of financial management for small businesses. 

Stepanchuk CPA offers cash flow management services to help businesses better understand their cash flow patterns and make informed financial decisions.

5. New Entity Setup and Consulting Services

For businesses that are just starting, Stepanchuk CPA offers new entity setup and consulting services. 

Their team of experienced professionals can provide guidance on legal and tax requirements for new businesses and help set up financial systems and processes that promote growth and financial stability.

Overall, working with Stepanchuk CPA for your tax filing needs can provide numerous benefits for your small business, from personalized services to expert financial guidance.


In conclusion, outsourcing tax filing and other accounting tasks can be a game-changer for businesses of all sizes, helping them save time, resources, and money while ensuring compliance with tax laws and regulations. 

However, it’s crucial to carefully plan and consider various factors before partnering with an outsourcing service provider.

To simplify outsourcing tax filing, experts recommend answering critical questions about your business, outlining the types of returns you will be outsourcing, using a tax preparation pilot, and looking for flexible scalability. 

Additionally, businesses must prioritize data security, tax and accounting expertise, advanced IT infrastructure, and fair pricing when selecting an outsourcing partner.

By following these tips, businesses can enjoy a smooth tax season and free up resources to focus on higher-value tasks that drive growth and profitability. 

Remember, outsourcing tax filing and accounting tasks can be a smart move if done right, so take the time to do your due diligence and find the right partner for your business’s unique needs.


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